Delft is a town which is just a 15 minute train ride from Rotterdam. One of the first things I noticed was the bike garage, common at many stations. Even with the bikes being stacked two high, it did not look like there was another space available. Outside, my eyes were immediately drawn to the towers of Delft’s churches. The most notable are the Old and New Church, gothic Protestant Churches. The Old Church has a tower that tilts noticeably to its side, like the Tower of Pisa. The New Church is home to the crypt of the Dutch Royal Family. Here I was able to climb up roughly 38 stories to get a panorama of the city and surrounding area. From this vantage point, one can observe how flat the Netherlands really is. Nowhere else in the world have I ever been able to see so many different city skylines in what seemed like every direction.

This vantage point also offered a nice view of how the canals and streets divide the different sections of the town. Take note that there is no barrier between the sides of the canal and narrow streets. There is no hitting the curb here…









// Oliver – Day 6 – Netherlands